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DOMINFO.DAT$ 6.D:67 A8IS B 0*BEGIN}A@ &&AAK -&(>:A%, /B67$%<$%,.K68,-B} 67$%<$%,.(68,-40NODOX:-B(' 0*END6-%' A@@d6--@#}#(:-@$&B:,@#?(d6-?:<%A !<%A<@#,_6-@P Ab>6-?:<%AY<%A}`<@,[-+@&B:,',$@_("-+&B:,',$@("$ ͛N A` ABC(Load}ing DOMMenu incarnation #...N%D:MENUgϠϛhA A` AB6(Loading an older menu...A%D:MEN}Ur*'(This is not a LonerSoft disk!* ԛU6-@6-%6-%'6-%/6-%76-%?6-$I6-%%}U6-AV;@%,;@9,;@Y,;@,;@9,;Av,;A$,;A,;A,9%,}9%,;@,HH;%,;%,;@9,;@9,;,;A@,;,9,;,c16.'hhhhhhh֑}`Q6.hJhhhȑh`Z6-C:,c6-C:,`E6.;hhhXХYhhi(ХiшeЅХihhI}Ј`N6-C:,`6. DOMINFO.DATaa6.Wh@;۩($ ʢ }`pp6.fhhh hh hhhhݩˢߥυ8υۅЦ̩BDEHI V˥߅ -/΅Хtt6}7A,.a ΅Ъ ΝЯМޥߝѦͩ BDIEѝH V!ʥޝO,67A,}.ΐЭ˅ԩ`;6.>:AU,F67,. 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GR8 Editor won't do it for you.To edit a DOMMenu header: Run DOMMenu. Hit RESET. Run GR8Edit. Answ!}er yes. Ta-dah!Keyboard commands: 1-7 horizontal step sizeSHIFT 1-7 vertical step size SPACE toggl!}e color -=*+ move cursor one pixel . plot S save screen Tab foreground lum Ctrl-T!}ab background lumShift-Tab screen color I invert screen Z zoom/unzoom (Z and SPACE ar!}e the only valid commands in zoom mode) B draw block (first press sets the upper-left corner; second press!} fills in the current color) < shift screen left one pixel > shift screen right one pixel V ! } verify for DOMMenu header (scans the top of the screen for the values 34 (quotes) and 155 (Return)...inverts any m!R}%"}%#}%$}%%}%&} gߧ<ʪf *l01-j%'}f}Jg<ㆯꪪf RaڱƭjgJ>ڱƭj%(}` *  >ڱƭj$ZThis is a demo/utility/distribution disk for DOMMenu, a special-purpose disk menu program for use with disk-of-the-month and )*}library disks.DOMMenu has provisions for differing hardware configurations and user expertise levels, and extensive online )+}help.The entries with "dox" next to them have attached documentation files. Press any of the alpha chars to move directly ),}to that entry.Enjoy. Play around. Consider the alternatives.-- E.Halliwellress any of the alpha chars to move directly (PAs you can see, any text may precede the beginning of the actual header data.Bla bla bla bla, et al..*BEGIN-1T h e D e-.} m o D i s k1ӠŠҠԠM1About this disk...Fnord!2ABOUT.TXT0=======================DOMMenu Docume-/}ntationKilljoy was here.2DOM.DOC0=======================The GR8 EditorGR8EDIT1GR8EDIT.DOC0=======================-0}DOMMenu Header GeneratorMAKEHEAD1NODOX0=======================Submenu DemoSUBMENU.YAP3NODOX0*END================,lThis is a sample submenu DOMMenu file.*BEGIN-1The Demo Disk/SubDir#11ӠŠ̠ҠԠM1Sample 12}Submenu Entry (cool, eh?)this space left intentionally blank2SUBMENU.TXT0*ENDŠ̠ҠԠM1Sample 0TYou can have as many of these sub-DOMINFO.DAT files as you like. I can't imagine needing too many of them, unless you're set54}ting up some sort of weird hierarchical help system (say...there's an idea...).Press OPTION or ESC to return to the top lev55}el. up some sort of weird hierarchical help system (say...there's an idea...).Press OPTION or ESC to return to the top lev4<@e<<@<<Af<,4+@$8+=@$ қ 6-?:<<%<,$7 қ8;-6 -7}%@02@4 8 ;$D:MENU қ 6-?:<<%<,$7 қ8;-6 -5`$ D:MAKEHEADΛ;@D,;@@,666.,h hh`hhhhBhEhDhIhH V If DOMINFO.DAT is not found, it will also reload "D:MENU". This is to retain compatibility with (for example) older DOM/:}library disks if you switch to using DOMMenu in midstream, as it were. See "CUSTOMIZING DOMMENU".CUSTOMIZING DOMMENU ;} There are a few things in the DOMMenu program you will probably want to change to suit your particular application.The h<}eader graphic: Included with DOMMenu is MAKEHEAD, which will take any uncompressed Graphics 8 screen and generate the ne=}cessary BASIC code to integrate the image into DOMMenu. Also included is TEMPLATE.MIC, which shows the available screen area>}. MAKEHEAD generates a file which must be ENTERed into MENU. Don't forget to SAVE "D:MENU"! Also included is GR8ED?}IT, which lets you edit a header graphic without having the source file on hand.The standard message area: Lines 5270-@}5280 define the three lines printed in the standard message area.The old menu filename: Lines 4200-4210 define the filA}e loaded when DOMINFO.DAT is not found, and the message printed when *that* file isn't found.Incarnation number: Line B}5 (yeah, yeah, it says "VER=" sue me).Atascii graphics: Control-character graphics may be used anywhere in DOMMenC}u-- program descriptions, the date/index line, et al. However, CTRL-I through CTRL-Z are redefined for the header graphic. D}Consider yourself warned."DOMINFO.DAT" SUMMARY FORMAT DESCRIPTIONHeader:Field Contents---------------------E}-----------------header start "*BEGIN"incarnation # any numbermonth/year date of diskindex # disk libraF}ry index codecenter msg? 0=no/1=yesmsg line #1 any textmsg line #2 any texttitle program filename ("D:" assG}umed)DUP present? 0=no/1=yesFile Block:Field Contents--------------------------------------description H} any textprog. filename filename ("D:" assumed)prog. type 0=ML/1=Basic/2=ReadMe/3=Submenudocs. filename filename I}("D:" assumed; NODOX if none)preformatted? 0=no/1=yesseparator *END=done/otherwise=not[max 14 entries]CONTACTJ}ING THE AUTHOR I, Earl C. Halliwell, may be contacted at: GEnie: E.HALLIWELL PAUGS (602-278-8505): The LonerK} Earl C Halliwell 407 S Second St Clinton, MO 64735-2107Feel free to contact me if you'd like to reserve anQ};@@,;Av,))6.hhhj`//6.%hhih*`666.,h M}hh`hhhhBhEhDhIhH V`116.'hhhhhhh֑`''6.hhhIN}`} 6.67Av,.+67@,.J@@KT+@Vv6-F:@,%F:@,$AV}(}O}3-@@"&68,-/68,-3 771,1,1,-1,1,0,0,0,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,-1,0,0$ D:GRP}8EDIT-@@"&68,-/68,-3 771,1,1,-1,1,0,0,0,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,-1,0,0$ D:GR incarnation number block. 407 S Second St Clinton, MO 64735-2107Feel free to contact me if you'd like to reserve anatches found)DOMMenu header (scans the top of the screen for the values 34 (quotes) and 155 (Return)...inverts any m uB#DOS SYSB6'DUP SYSB]AUTORUN AR0B^M B<lMENU B[DOM DOCB&GR8EDIT B MAKEHEAD B GR8EDIT DOCB!TEMPLATEMICB)ABOUT TXTB-DOMINFO DATB1SUBMENU YAPB3SUBMENU TXT